Ongoing Realities (OR) has several performances in their repertoire for stage / black box and other venues. We are used to adapting our repertoire and concepts to site-specific performances. If you have any questions, please get in touch or for booking requests.
We offer performance-concepts adaptable for different sites, stages, art museums and public spaces. For larger venues we utilise an exhibition format where the audience is invited to co-create their own trajectory of the piece as they walk around and choose what to watch. For stage performances we explore how we can place the audience to offer a more immersive experience. The structure includes live-performance, digitalised art works projected in the space or experienced in Virtual Reality with the aim of exploring how the material travels through different mediums. Simultaneity, presence and multitude accompany the process and the performances seeks to engage and offer various ways of optional interactivity.
Part of our digital art pieces. Concept and choreography: Johan Bandholtz and Anna Näsström. Animation by Emal Ghouse. Sound design by Rosanna Gunnarsson and Alexander Zethson.
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